Washington divorce online

GetDivorceOnline.com - The easiest solution for your divorce.

Do you qualify for Washington divorce online?

Do you have information on the current location of your spouse?

Are you and your spouse in agreement regarding all aspects (this may include property and debt distribution, child support and custody)?

We will save you over $2000 in legal fees to attorneys. Easy and reliable divorce service with years of experience.


Residency Requirements

Either you or your spouse should be a resident of Washington State to be able to file for the divorce. Another option is one of the spouses being a member of the military stationed in Washington. The time of residence is not specified in the regulations.

Reasons for Divorce in Washington State

The main reason for filing for divorce in Washington is irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.

  • If both parties join the petition or the other party does not deny it, the court enters a decree of dissolution
  • If the other party insists that the petitioner was induced to file the petition by fraud or coercion, the court will investigate it, and if so, will dismiss the petition
  • If the Defendant denies the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, the court will set hearings to consider all factors to make a decision
Parenting Issues

If the spouses have underaged or dependent children the court will enter a Parenting Plan that defines where the children will reside upon the divorce finalization until coming of age. One parent with be primary residential, though both parents will be involved in the decision-making concerning the children’s well-being. The Parenting Plan should be discussed and accepted by both spouses. If you cannot agree on the Parenting Plan, you will have to go to trial and the judge will make the decision for you. The court also may limit the time with children for one of the spouses in case of the Parenting Plan violation or failure to comply with parenting obligations.

Child Support

Child support is based on the Washington State Support Schedule and takes into consideration the number of children, their age, needs and general income of the parents. This support is paid until a child comes of age or graduates from high school.

Mail in Filing

Filing in Wahkiakum County allows you to complete the divorce via mail, without appearing in court to file it. There is no need to be a resident of Wahkiakum County; you just have to agree to resolve the matter in this county. Then all you have to do is send the forms to the court via mail and receive them signed by the court.

Filing Fees

Remember to ask your county’s court officer about filing fees, since our fee excludes court filing fees — which differ from county to county.