Iowa divorce online - The easiest solution for your divorce.

Do you qualify for Iowa divorce online?

Do you have information on the current location of your spouse?

Are you and your spouse in agreement regarding all aspects (this may include property and debt distribution, child support and custody)?

We will save you over $2000 in legal fees to attorneys. Easy and reliable divorce service with years of experience.


Residency Requirements

As a rule, the Plaintiff must have been a resident of the State of Iowa for no less than a year to be able to file for divorce there. However, if the Defendant is a resident of Iowa and has been served personally there won’t be any residency requirements for the Plaintiff.

Reasons for Divorce in the State of Iowa

The irretrievable breakdown of the marriage is the only ground for divorce recognizable by the courts of Iowa.

Parenting Issues

By mutual consent of the parties, legal and physical custody of the child is appointed by the court. The court also takes into consideration the best interests of the child when appointing custody; thus, the wishes of the parents and child as well as the geographical proximity of the parents play an important role too.

Legal custody allows parents to take part in the decision-making regarding all important issues related to the child, and it may be joint or sole. Physical custody deals with the residence of the child and defines with which parent the child will spend most of their time.

Child Support

In order to define the amount of the child support in almost any case, the officials take into consideration the gross incomes of both parents as well as the expenses that are related to the child. The payments continue until the child’s 18th birthday and may be prolonged until they graduate from high school.


In order to resolve all the differences without court intervention the court may order participation in mediation at any time prior to finalizing the divorce.

Filing Fees

Remember to ask your county’s court officer about filing fees, since our fee excludes court filing fees — which differ from county to county.