Florida divorce online

GetDivorceOnline.com - The easiest solution for your divorce.

Do you qualify for Florida divorce online?

Do you have information on the current location of your spouse?

Are you and your spouse in agreement regarding all aspects (this may include property and debt distribution, child support and custody)?

We will save you over $2000 in legal fees to attorneys. Easy and reliable divorce service with years of experience.


Residency Requirements

Either party of the divorce should be a resident of the State of Florida for no less than 6 months to have a right to file for a divorce here.

Reasons for Divorce in the State of Florida

Florida’s courts recognize only two reasons for no-fault divorces:

  • Irretrievable breakdown of the marriage
  • If one of the spouses is mentally incapable for no less than three years before filing for the divorce
Parenting Issues

By default, courts in Florida decide on shared parental responsibility. If parents cannot come to an agreement with all the items, the judge will do it for them. Here a Parenting Plan and time-sharing agreement is required and these forms should be very detailed to specify all odds of child custody. The preferable decision for a court is shared custody where both parents take part in decision making concerning children.

Child Support

The guidelines that are used in the State of Florida provide a table of income levels to define the amount of child support in each and every case. Here the gross income of both parents is estimated, as well as taxes, health insurance and some other costs. Despite the fact that many people believe that household expenses can be used to reduce support, this is a misconception. These guidelines allow the division of child-related expenses; thus one parent covers one expense, and the other deals with another. Parents are able to make modifications to the child support if they have ongoing and substantial changes in circumstances.

Mail-in Filing

Many counties in Florida allow sending divorce forms via mail, so there is no need to visit a court in person. Still, not all counties support this option so you will have to specify this option by contacting the court clerk.

Filing Fees

Remember to ask your county’s court officer about filing fees, since our fee excludes court filing fees — which differ from county to county.