Alabama divorce online - The easiest solution for your divorce.

Do you qualify for Alabama divorce online?

Do you have information on the current location of your spouse?

Are you and your spouse in agreement regarding all aspects (this may include property and debt distribution, child support and custody)?

We will save you over $2000 in legal fees to attorneys. Easy and reliable divorce service with years of experience.


Residency Requirements

You can file for divorce in the State of Alabama if one of these conditions is satisfied:

  • Both spouses are Alabama residents
  • If the Defendant or non-filing party is a resident of the State of Alabama
  • If the filing party has been a resident of the state for at least 6 months
Reasons for Divorce in Alabama

The main ground for divorce is an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.

Fault-based reasons include but not are limited to:

  • Adultery
  • Commission of felony
  • Becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol after marriage
  • Hopelessly and incurably insane mental condition of the Defendant (under reservations)
  • Cruel treatment

Take into consideration that all the fault-based reasons may require evidence or additional testimony.

Parenting Issues

The best interests of the child are always the priority and the court will decide on sole or joint custody. Joint legal custody offers different conditions where both parents can take part in the decision-making process regarding a child, but here one parent will be primarily residential and the other will be able to spend time with the child on a schedule. Joint legal and joint physical custody means that the child should reside equally with each parent.

Child Support

The guidelines for child support work the same with any case apart from those where special circumstances should be considered. In those cases, both parents’ gross incomes and child-related expenses are recognized to define the amount of the child support obligation. Child support continues until the 19th birthday of the child or until he or she finishes secondary education.

Filing Fees

Remember to ask your county’s court officer about filing fees, since our fee excludes court filing fees — which differ from county to county.